Cultural Hiatus

My Faithful Readership,

So, as you may have noticed, I have yet to blog any of Monday’s plentiful options that I usually review at Cultural Learnings. The scarier thing, even, is that I haven’t even watched any of them, as I spent the entirety of last evening on the first of many major projects/events of the next week.

As a result, I’m taking a brief hiatus: not from watching TV, I’ll get to most of last night’s lineup today as a break from a busy morning, but from blogging about it. I should be back for Mad Men next Sunday, as I don’t want to get behind on the show, but in the meantime no full fledge reviews. However, you won’t be entirely devoid of my (attempts at) witty commentary.

To continue following my viewing habits, you can follow my Twitter feed. For those who don’t know, Twitter is a social networking service where, if you join, you can choose to “follow” various individuals ranging from nobodies like me to TV Critics, politicians, celebrities, and everything inbetween. They can also follow you, and this begins this really intriguing subsection of conversation, opinion, and internet society.

It’s a great way for me, this week, to keep reacting to the television I’m watching in 140 characters as opposed to 1400 words, something that happens a bit too often for the sake of my productivity levels elsewhere. As an example of my recent use of Twitter to discuss my weekend-long excursion into Gilmore Girls Season One (Where I literally had to hold myself back from bringing the rest of the seasons back to school with me):

Nothing can help me stop my GG marathon than a fresh helping of Daniel-written townie-hijinx filled mayhem. Oh, Daniel.

So, happy TV watching everyone, and if you really want to know what I was thinking about TV at 2am, Twitter is the place to be!


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