Season Finale: How I Met Your Mother – “Challenge Accepted”

“Challenge Accepted”

May 16th, 2011

Considering that this entire season of How I Met Your Mother has been built around an absolutely terrible metaphor, I think it’s only fair that we try to consider what exact challenge this season of the series was accepting, precisely.

If it was to create the most overdone metaphor possible and threaten the series’ narrative integrity in the process, then they have certainly met the challenge: the longer the Arcadian story was dragged out, the more it became clear that it was one of those circumstances where the idea of using the building as a central tenet of the season was introduced with no conception of its limitations. Did it make sense on some level? Absolutely – the idea of allowing Ted an opportunity to design a building, and for that to conflict with a budding relationship, is solid. There was just never anything else: no other point of chemistry, no other narrative momentum, and no way of tapping into something more profound than just another stopgap relationship on the way to the Mother. It was a story about how a building was like a relationship, and how a season was about a building, and how a series has become boiled down to a single question more than ever before.

“Challenge Accepted” attempts to own this on some level, playing with how random events can lead Ted to make serious relationship decisions, but to say it doesn’t live up to the challenge would be an understatement. While there are parts of this episode which could work, there is nothing to build up to them: everything is predicated on a building and a relationship that never properly developed, and it reinforces that the problem with Zoey was never Jennifer Morrison but rather the context in which she was introduced. It is a simple creative failure, a season marred by an ill-advised plotline that they drag out until the bitter end and attempt to turn into something meaningful through temporal trickery, some shoe-horned nostalgia, and an emotionally meaningful yet utterly contrived B-Story.

And that’s no way to suggest that you’re up to the challenge of paying it all off in the seasons to come.

Towards the end of “Challenge Accepted,” Carter Bays and Craig Thomas give a large bulk of their fans a middle finger, having Bob Saget finally utter the words “And that’s how I met your mother” before pulling back and revealing it all to have been a joke. Even as someone who doesn’t care about the identity of the Mother, I found it more than a bit obnoxious, especially given the fact that this season more than perhaps any other has dealt with a lot of frustration from fans who feel the show is off track.

However, I don’t want us to pretend that the problem is a lack of content directly related to the Mother, because I think that is misrepresenting the season’s issues. Some of the show’s best seasons (I’m thinking of season two, in particular) have focused on character we know are not the Mother, and yet the strength of the relationship between Ted and Robin was enough to carry the show narratively. The show was younger then, and its characters more novel, but the absence of the Mother was still a non-issue.

At this point, the issue is less that the Mother was not the primary drive of the story and more the fact that the primary drive of the story was a building/metaphor/relationship of zero comic/dramatic value. While I might agree that the show is reaching the point where it needs to more readily address the issue of the Mother’s identity, that it would spend its sixth season on a different storyline is entirely fine by me so long as that season finds another sense of purpose. However, while some individual storylines (like Marshall dealing with his father’s death and Barney dealing with his father’s identity) felt like they connected with the better elements of the series, nothing else landed. The show did a number of things, like giving Robin a new job, but they never managed to do anything with them. It was a season of nothingness, except for the storyline that is pretty universally considered a failure.

As a result, who can blame some fans for focusing on the absence of the Mother when they had nothing else to latch onto? The only things that ended up really resonating were the brief glimpses of an unforeseen wedding, and all that ended up being here is yet another mystery as we confront whether Barney is marrying Nora (who Barney and Robin randomly run into on the street) and Robin (who the camera lingers on as she wonders if her earlier nostalgia for their time together was perhaps more powerful than she realized). And while the setup was forced and unnatural, with the sudden rekindling of Robin and Barney’s feelings having absolutely no connection to anything else we’ve seen this season other than Ted’s relationship with Zoey (which is never a great place to start), that at least sounds like a better storyline than a love triangle between Ted, Zoey, and the Arcadia.

As for Ted himself, the episode does its hardest to make his pointless relationships seem like character development, in the process robbing his romantic spontaneity of any and all romance. If you go back to “Ten Sessions,” and Ted’s relationship with Stella, we see something that started off on the right foot: sure, I felt Sarah Chalke never quite fit in and they rushed them into the relationship too quickly for the show to handle, but that initial moment made us realize why someone might actually fall in love with Ted. His romantic gestures weren’t positioned as neuroses, or driven by a terrible sunburn: he liked this girl, he wanted a chance to prove that he could be with her, and the result was something magical.

I’m not suggesting that we entirely gloss over the character’s flaws, given how plentiful they are, but to so indulge them and use it to justify this nearly season-long arc was almost insulting. I get what they were going for: Ted panics over a big decision relating to 50,000 light bulbs and rethinks all past decisions based on the light bulb metaphor (and the responsibility it entails), while the storyline also serves as a bit of a meta-explanation for why they have yet to reveal the Mother (since they can’t go back on their decision, and changing fifty thousand light bulbs is certainly difficult. However, that doesn’t read like a meaningful metaphor: it reads like an excuse, which is what the show has seemingly amounted to as of late. The plot doesn’t feel like a real world, it feels like a pile of excuses that just happen to include signature HIMYM touches (like glimpses of the future) and feature characters we have a previous relationship with.

But “Challenge Accepted” only highlighted the limitations of this, with even Marshall and Lily finally getting pregnant was more or less ruined by the predictability of the storyline. This wasn’t one of those situations where the simplicity of the setup still led to an emotional moment: this was a situation where it was abundantly clear almost immediately that Lily had morning sickness, and that Marshall wasn’t going to get sick, and that they would have a big emotional moment at episode’s end. They tried to shorthand a connection to Marshall’s father to drum up emotion, and Hannigan and Segel played it about as well as they could, but the episode itself was absolutely incapable of giving it any deeper sense of meaning. It was, like Robin and Barney’s sudden nostalgia, a token connection to previously beloved storylines which were lost amidst a disastrous season.

I feel as though it wasn’t always disastrous: I vaguely remember a moment where it seemed like they might be on the right track, learning from some of the lessons of seasons past. However, to be honest with you, the show has entered a void for me where I’m not sure I remember what happened last season, or earlier this season, or even in the past few weeks. The show is starting just to exist, floating by without a sense of purpose or meaning. While some might claim this has to do with the continued refusal to reveal the identity of the Mother, the real problem is that they are giving us no reason not to be frustrated with them. There’s nothing else for us to care about, meaning that the one thing they’ve had us caring about all along becomes the necessary antidote.

The show is reaching the point where ideally someone would step in and shake things up, forcing them to make some decisions that would benefit the show in the long run. However, with strong demo ratings and a two-season renewal (which doesn’t come with an end date), that seems extremely unlikely. It’s almost like the stage that Scrubs reached in its fifth-seventh seasons, the point at which the show has so lost track of its true potential and has instead fallen into a simulacrum of its former self. “Challenge Accepted” never once felt as though it was even close to returning the show to its roots, doing nothing to connect this mess of a season to any of the storylines they want to set up for next year. It’s just the same wedding scene we’ve been seeing all season taken one step further, or rather one step sideways.

Will I stop watching? That seems doubtful, given that there are still those flashes of brilliance which make a half-hour weekly commitment worth my time. However, I do think we’re reaching the point where caring about the show, and believing that it can deliver on a weekly basis, may be past us.

Or, at the very least, I don’t think I’m up to that challenge.

Cultural Observations

  • Marshall’s side of his storyline would have been much better if they’d hired a straight man and not Dave Foley, and cut out the ridiculous water birth slides and simply had Marshall’s internal dialogue be driven by his own thoughts rather than conveniently gross external stimuli, but nice to see Dave Foley getting work.
  • Barney’s tie looked fine, I thought.
  • I took “Who pays attention to that sappy romantic crap” as another bit of meta from Bays/Thomas.
  • Sure, the CGI was terrible, but I give them points for trying to make the Arcadian seem like more than a metaphor by actually showing it implode.
  • I seriously hope that Chi McBride is recurring next season, or else this goes in the books as a serious waste of Chi McBride.


Filed under How I Met Your Mother

12 responses to “Season Finale: How I Met Your Mother – “Challenge Accepted”

  1. Tausif Khan

    I really think that you need to revisit the show Myles. In this sense the episode by episode review is making you focus to much on the tree and missing so much of the forest. Yes, this episode rehashed the developments of this season for much of its plot but I think the advance in the Robin, Barney and Nora triangle was interesting for me as I have been angry that they have not been writing the female characters of this show all season. While I think almost no one was fooled by the soup sickness plot line (“Hey, there is a baby in my soup. Announcing the birth of ____ Erickson!) I do like that this story line finally got pushed a long as I did not need another couple with fertility issues (future people might look back at the 19900s and early 2000s and think that Americans were all a bit infertile).This also brings a satisfying end to Marshall’s arc this season where he goes from needing his dad to becoming a dad on his own. Therefore given that this season focused on Barney and Marshall I felt that this episode did a great job of showing how much this season has pushed them to grow. To me that was interesting to follow.

    My biggest complaint for a couple of season now (and maybe the whole show) is that Lily has been really underwritten or been really manipulative and selfish throughout the entire run of the series. She herself has not had many funny story lines (The one with the father and death stare was pretty cool though) or story lines that show why Marshall is so in love with her. I have heard that Lily is based on one of the creators wives. If this is the case then I really worry about what he actually thinks about his wife.

    The creators need a reason for us to like and care about Lily and write her more and better.

  2. It wasn’t the greatest episode ever, but the end gives me hope for the season. Lily and Marshall becoming parents and Barney finally committing (with Nora, I think/hope) have the potential to move the show forward. If, and that’s the big if, they are willing to commit to the new storylines and not get sidetracked or go back on them half way through. If they are willing to adapt the show to these new dynamics then it’ll be a huge improvement. Not only that, but dealing with Barney/Nora will be a good test run for the show on how to work in the Mother, when/if she ever becomes a major character.

  3. Dave Foley can easily play a straight man. Very well, in fact. Its just bizarre that everyone in the last decade has made him a goofy guy instead of letting him play the deadpan, sarcastic character that he played so well on NewsRadio.

  4. rosengje

    I felt frustrated with Season 5 of HIMYM, in that I felt largely indifferent to much of the second half of the season. Season 6, however, outright angered me. I found much of this season not just forgettable or missable, but outright terrible. This past mini-arc has been particularly offensive.

    Myles, how often do you let the extra-textual affect your view of a series? I try and keep the two separate (otherwise I would never be able to enjoy another episode of Sons of Anarchy again), but all of the interviews I’ve read with Carter Bays and Craig Thomas have only soured whatever lingering positivity I harbored toward the show. That Mo Ryan interview after the two season renewal was especially grating. I remember when Veronica Mars came back for its revamped Season 3 on the CW and everyone wondered if Rob Thomas was letting his love for working on the show and trying to keep it on the air affect the show’s quality. To me, this is a *far* worse example of that. If 8 Seasons of a modestly rated sitcom aren’t enough for you to tell your story sufficiently, I think something is seriously wrong.

  5. Pingback: How I Met Your Mother – “Challenge Accepted” » Monsters of Television

  6. Junebug

    I agree that saying, “And that’s how I met your mother” was a terrible thing to do. Not just because it was obnoxious, as you say, but it exposed the story arc re Zoey and the Arcadian as pointless. Earlier in the series, you always got the sense that even if what we were watching wasn’t directly related to the mother, some small detail would somehow indirectly lead us to her. But saying “Psych!” at that point was like saying it to the whole season we’d invested in watching.

    And it was only confirmed by Nora’s appearance and the follow-through to Barney as the groom at the wedding we’re told Ted meets the mother. So Zoey and the Arcadian had nothing to do with anything? Even during Ted’s relationship with Stella, you got the feeling that the mother was always just around the corner. Not this season and not with Zoey. The wedding seemed randomly tacked-on to the end to kind of sandwich the series together.

    i hope next season is better. And I’m still hoping that the show doesn’t end with Ted just meeting the mother and him saying “And that’s how I met your mother” like in this episode. After all this time, I’d like to see him get to know her, fall in love and decide she’s the one. Because that’s partly what the show’s about, isn’t it? Ted’s decision-making process about who he’s with.

  7. DaddyCatALSO

    Okay, *was* that Barney’s wedding, or was it Cindy’s, where Ted meets the mother? Guess I’ll be able to figure it out when I get the DVD (my landlady’s TVs have the captioning turned off so i have to guesstimate my way thru the episodes :-).)

    • DaddyCatALSO

      If they don’t bring in Amber Benson to play a girlfriend for Robin this season, I hope she gets cast as the mother. Yeah, I’m an idol-worshipper, sue me, in my ficverse Willow and Tara’s second daughter just turned one.

      • DaddyCatALSO

        Ooop,s I mean their first duaghetr just turned five; missie-missie the second doesn’t have her b’day until early October

  8. elmar

    The CGI was pretty funny and I didn’t mind it but I’m honestly surprised they didn’t spend more on it. It looked really fake. Doesn’t this show pull in tons of money anyway?

  9. trlkly

    Juse here to see if I coudl figure out why you stopped reviewing the show, when you said you’d keep on watching it.

    • trlkly

      Nevermind. You seem to have set up your website weirdly, where you have a HIMYM tag and a “How I Met Your Mother” category that don’t match up.

      You might want to fix that, BTW. It looks like you gave up after season 6.

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